Friday 5 November 2010

artificial light

It took me a long time to get used to the bluish white light of the CFLs that are currently used everywhere. Maybe it is because most of my life, electric light meant the tungsten filament kind with its yellow light. I wonder if it is true for younger people who are used to the bluish white light form their childhood. If not, then is it some atavistic thing -- from the days when wood fire was used for light and heat?


Arjun. said...

You know, you get energy saver bulbs, that now have yellow light, all my bulbs are like that.

L said...

yes I have seen them. But should shift to leds until someone comes up with why leds are bad for us/our environment.

Ceiling fan

 I read somewhere that as a solution for student suicides, IISc has decided to remove fans from hostel rooms. No fan, no suicide. This shoul...